The study on HR6819 is receiving significant attention from Astronomers worldwide. Because scientists studying this black hole already concluded that the HR6819 was a triple star system, having one star orbiting every forty days and the second in an even more orbit period.

But, in a recent study (2022), a different explanation is proposed for the same star system. The HR6819 is a star system containing only two stars (rather than three) and may have NO black hole.
There is one more possible condition; where one of the two stars must transfer a majority of its mass to the other.
To find the correct answer between the two proposals, astronomers tried using the VLTI GRAVITY and Multi-Unit Spectroscopic Explorer instruments.
It helped confirm that there was no companion star in the higher orbit, and the two bright stars had only one-third solar distance between them.
Thus, these results helped prove the puzzle and concluded that the HR6819 star system is just a binary star system and does NOT contain any black hole.
The binary star system is in a state as if one of the two stars had sucked a majority of mass off its companion star. This phenomenon is stellar vampirism. In this system, the mass donor star donates its material, and the recipient star uses it to spin rapidly.
The findings for HR6819 are exciting, as it can be a perfect candidate for studying the effects of vampirism in the evolution of stars (massive). It may also help learn some of their associated phenomena like G-waves and supernova (violent) explosions.