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Japan is building floating houses to avoid earthquake damages.

Writer: MayankMayank

Updated: Mar 1, 2022

Japan is developing a technology to float/raise houses above the ground. Hence, protecting them from devastating earthquakes.

Floatable House image
Floatable House

Architects and engineers globally, are working to create an "earthquake-resistant" building for many years but have not succeeded yet.

A Japanese startup Air Danshin built such technology. It will allow us to raise our houses above the ground during an earthquake.

The Company has also released various images of the demonstration of a floating house. They appear like balloon structures floating high above the ground.

Its system DOES lift a house above the ground. It will help avoid all the structural damages.

At first look, the house doesn't seem different from the regular ones, except for an extra foundation beneath, a geo-sensor, and a powerful air compressor.

The geo-sensor monitors all the seismic activity going beneath the houses. On detecting seismic activities sensor sends a signal to the air compressor. The flow of compressed air starts between the foundation and the house base.

It will take only a few seconds for the house to rise above the ground. The maximum height that the floater can send is up to 2 inches. Once the tremors stop, the air is slowly released, and the house gets back to its position.

An assessment was also performed recently by Air Danshin. Thirty floating houses suffered no damage even after getting hit by a 7.3-magnitude earthquake in February.


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