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Reverse-Aging : 2022's New Researchs

Writer: MayankMayank

An Israeli scientists team managed to reverse the human aging mechanism in an oxygen (hyperbaric) chamber.

Aging image

The scientists of Tel Aviv, Israel, have finally claimed that they succeeded in reversing the human aging mechanism. Comprehensive research was published too for the same.

The team used an oxygen (hyperbaric) chamber for the research. Their trial included 35 adults of age more than 64 years.

The aging process is due to the human DNA and genetic chromosomes. A telomere is a small structure (cap-like) found inside the chromosomes. It is known to carry many essential functions like transferring genetic traits. The size of a telomere determines human aging. These telomeres get shorter and shorter with time.

The chromosomes count increases with age among people with shorter telomeres. The short-sized telomeres damage the DNA and reduce the count of new cells produced from mitosis. Thus, it decreases the cell's nature to replicate. Short-sized telomeres also increase old and malfunctioning cells, leading to aging.

The research scientists organized a clinical examination in a nearby Medical Centre. They provided pure oxygen cylinders to the volunteers while asking them to stay inside a hyperbaric oxygen chamber. The therapy was successful. The team found that the telomere count among the volunteers increased to a whopping twenty percent.

It is the most notable discovery of 2022. Researchers also found that the size of telomeres increased and matched the telomeres volunteers had twenty-five years ago.

Previous studies proved that if these cells decrease in the organism's body, its lifespan increases one-third of the original.

This research will help people in understanding the aging process in human beings. It will also help in finding ways to attain anti-aging.



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