According to millions of users, Minecraft's craft ability is its main strength. The game can be used in several ways, even as a teaching method. The build can be easy to teach almost any subject. The Minecraft realm has provided educators with an excellent sandbox to play and teach.

Recently a history teacher used Minecraft build to teach class history and modernity culture. The course was within the game server with instructions and in-class communications carried out within the build and over Discord.
This new framework provides the teachers with this opportunity. It is not a video game study, and it is neither a gamified version of teaching. It is the other thing where learning comes out by processing these two things simultaneously.
The students eventually worked on group projects and created in the Minecraft world. Most of them were on the issues of human modernity. Rather than running it in the Create mode, many used it in the Survival mode, so students often got killed by their foes. It makes them ready about their effort and the possibility of failure.
Educators in high school and university can use these simple tools to teach a whole new variety of subjects using a game. There are several ways to use this in the education sector.