Humans, after advancing in technology, started to look forward towards extra-stellar environment. We landed on the moon and found it to be an uninhabited and barren place. Recently, we got traces of Phosphine on Venus which makes us wonder about life on Venus. Currently, we are talking about the Mars - The Red Planet.

The question you may ask is, does Mars have as many things necessary for evolution of life as on earth? The answer is YES! Mars has most the raw materials that are required for the generation of life. These materials were abundant on early Mars. Mars is very much similar to early earth and the martian soil is rich in Perchlorates which are toxic to the microorganisms. In past years, NASA has found the presence of Methane in a seasonal pattern in the atmosphere of Mars, which might indicate the presence of living reactions.
Some shreds of evidence suggest that during the ancient times (Noachian), there could have been the presence of water and microorganisms.
Studies suggest that if life is currently present on Mars or it is in preserved form, then there is a high chance of it being present in subsurface, a few meters or kilometers bel

There are varieties of chemical, physical, geological and geographical attributes that frame the environment on Mars. Sum of all these attributes can help us predict the area with a higher probability of finding a living colony.
Even scientists don’t know the minimum number of parameters for the determination of habitability potential.
How space agencies are trying to colonize mars
The colonization of mars currently seems fictional, but after the development of technology in the future, there is a very high probability of it becoming a reality. From past speculations to current developments where we keep 24/7 eye on the activities on Mars and start to analyze the surface and environment of mars, ISRO Mangalyaan Mission, NASA Mars Rover, Roscomos, and European Space Agency, will all help us in understanding more about the Mars’ environment.
Also, Elon Musk’s SpaceX plan for building a Mars settlement includes refueling in orbit, a fleet of passenger ships and the biggest rocket ever made!

All of us are curious about the life on Mars and human colonization on Mars. There are lots of space programs currently in operation to find the possibility of life on the Red Planet. All we need to do is keep making big strides in scientific development, keep our fingers crossed, and ultimately, hope for the best! If you would love to know more about any of the space programs specifically, do tell us in the comments!
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