So, here we are back again with the age old question - ARE WE, HUMANS, KILLING OUR BELOVED EARTH? We should get the answer very soon. But first, let's understand some things.
What is the history of our Blue Planet? Our planet was formed about 4.5 billion years ago. It was formed when gas and dust were pulled together by gravity, when our Solar System settled. Our Earth has a solid core, the same as Mercury, Venus and Mars. Jupiter and the planets after it do not have a solid core. They are made up of gases. So, you now know when the Earth was formed. But do you know that the Earth we are talking about was nothing like the Earth we know today. It was RED, I mean if you would have seen it, you would have thought of no reason to call it a BLUE PLANET! Much of the earth was molten that time. Volcanic eruptions were frequent. In fact, it is said that they formed the primitive atmosphere. There was no chance of any kind of life possible at that stage!
Then a planet sized body hit the Earth and thus the Moon was formed. Fascinating, isn't it? As if it was meant to be formed so that today you could read this Blog (just a joke)!
And then the Earth began to cool down. This led to the formation of a solid crust. And due to the temperature decrease, the water vapours cooled down to form liquid water. Thus the vast seas and oceans were formed.
As there was NO Oxygen in the atmosphere, so the first forms of life to arise, were completely anaerobic (they did not need oxygen for respiration). First inorganic molecules were formed, which further formed organic complex molecules, which then formed primitive acellular life, further developing into cellular kind of life. All these forms were strictly anaerobic. Then came some organisms which evolved oxygen, like the Blue-Green Algae. They, and some others, evolved large amount of oxygen gas, which gradually made the atmosphere oxygen rich, and thus the nature of atmosphere changed from being Reductive, to being Oxidative, as we know it now! Then more and more life forms kept evolving and evolving. Pteridophytes overtook Bryophytes, and they themselves were overtaken by Gymnosperms, which became taken over by Angiosperms. Invertebrates slowly evolved into fishes, which in gradual course of time became amphibious, and invaded land. Then came the reptiles, which dominated the world, till the mass extinction of the dinosaurs. Then the MAMMALS took over. Then WE humans came and started growing. Problem is, WE DIDN'T STOP!

Humans have been a terrible pain for the world. We kept growing and growing and growing and took over many forms of life in population. As our numbers went up, so did our needs. We needed more lands so we cut the forests. We needed more food, so we hunted. There was nothing wrong in that, right? I mean, you have to eat to live! But then WE BECAME GREEDY. We wanted more of everything! We cleared more forests than we needed. We hunted more animals than necessary. What was the reason for our over-hunting? Let me remind you. THE REASON FOR OUR OVER-HUNTING CAME UNDER THE GENRE OF 'ENTERTAINMENT'. That's right. Poaching was a sport. We killed MANY animals just for fun! We wanted to establish our supremacy over the others. We became arrogant. AND THUS, WE PUT A HUGE SCAR IN THE FACE OF OUR ECOSYSTEM! Let that sink in.
Let us answer the question we asked at the start - IS THE EARTH DYING?
The answer, at least according to me, is NO. Let me explain. From the start, the Earth has seen many terrible disasters like continuous volcanic eruptions, mass extinctions, meteor showers, asteroid collisions, which altered the composition of land, water as well as air for very long durations. But you know what is the most beautiful part of evolution? When one life form ends, some other begins. I don't think we are killing Earth. I think that we are just killing ourselves with the harm we are doing to the environment today. And yes, other life forms are also suffering because of us. But remember, there are organisms out there, which benefit from the substances which are toxic for us! If we keep damaging the environment, then ultimately we will be damaging the Human Population by making the environment less and less suitable for us. But then some other organism might evolve for which the same environment is suitable for survival, and we might become extinct. This has happened many times in the past. Do not forget, we are fit now, we might not be forever. And as DARWIN SAID, THE RULE OF EVOLUTION IS - "SURVIVAL OF THE FITTEST".
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