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So, we know we are rare. We know we are special. We know that we, the citizens of Earth, possess a very special gift, 'To exist on Earth'. But every planet is not as fine tuned as Earth to host something as delicate as LIFE. But that never stops our hunt of curiosity to find any signs of 'Alien' Life in the universe. The worldwide rigorous Space Exploration Programs are conducted to research about potential life habitats apart from the BLUE PLANET. Man has been searching for extraterrestrial life for too long.



Scientists and space enthusiasts have been searching for a clue of life in our Solar System, which is the closest area for us to research on. We have been asking repeatedly if any planet in the Solar System, other than Earth, has the potential to host life. Till now, our best bet has been on Mars. The 'Red Planet' has given us many hints and evidences, most of which point towards it hosting some form of life, either today or at some past point in time. Some of the evidences which suggest life on mars are -

  1. The Habitable Climate and Atmosphere of Mars

  2. Fossil Evidences found on the meteorite 'ALH 84001' in Antarctica (1996)

  3. Traces of Water found on Mars

These are some solid evidences which can't be ignored. So it is pretty sure till now that the main focus of this life hunt has been MARS. But now comes the twist.


Recently, presence of 'Phosphine' molecule has been found in the upper atmosphere of Venus.

So why is this molecule so important? Lets learn a little about Phosphine. Phosphine is a molecule made up of 1 molecule of Phosphorous and 3 molecules of Hydrogen. It is a TOXIC gas. It is a colorless and non-inflammable gas. And it is very RARE.

Getting back to our topic, Scientists have not actually claimed anything about life being found on Venus. Their saying is that they have found quite a lot amount of phosphene in the upper atmosphere of Venus, whose atmosphere has large amounts of Carbon Dioxide and Sulfuric Acid.

They have ruled out any possibility of the Phosphine being formed by any kind of 'Non-Biological' Reaction, as they are quite confident that no non-biological reaction can produce that quantity of the gas Phosphine, found on the 'Morning Star'. According to them, it is a possibility that the gas is being formed due to some kind of life anaerobic present in the upper atmosphere of Venus. Even as the surface of Venus is too inhabitable to host any kind of life, the conditions become much favorable in the upper atmosphere of Venus, which strengthens the possibility of life further.

Nothing too sure can be said for now but neither can that possibility be ruled out completely. So does Venus host life? It is a question which can only be answered confidently by making a visit to our neighbor.

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