Movies and books help us to avoid being bored but not only these, but it is also a way to share thoughts with people all over the world and sometimes during doing these, they create some kind of fictional things, maybe a device, character or something else which makes the world to think about this more. The same thing happens with the name "Iron Man", which shows many brilliant performances by the characters, action, emotions, and also our favorite part The science and technology it shows.
The movie released may be far before I am writing this but the science it shows is far away from us. In this article, I'm here to discuss "The Arc Reactor" and not only this but we discuss many different things related to it.

Movie insight
Why not? Before directly moving towards the technology behind the arc reactor, let me help you to remember some details which were shown in the movie. You saw in the movie, Tony Stark with an arc reactor on his chest, why is it there so? If you carefully get that thing then you might get questions like, what is an arc reactor? or does an arc reactor exist?
In the movie, it was initially designed as an attempt to replace the energy of the Tesseract. It can be the source of unlimited energy. It was shown that two arc reactors were made, one bigger one which is the source of energy for the industry and the other one for powering the Iron man suit and also to prevent shrapnel from reaching Tony's heart. It works as a life-saving electromagnet for him as it produces energy of 8 gigajoules per sec.
There are many up-gradation of arc reactor shows in the movie like the first one uses palladium core which layers becomes toxic for Tony's body that is why he made a major upgrade in it and created a new element which was later used as a core for it. Later on, it contains nanobots which also make his new suit.

The science behind it:
So, I hope you recall most of the things about it. So, if an arc reactor is real then what is its real technology?
Understand it better:
It works more like a Hadron collider in real life, where nuclear fusion takes place. It contains circular parts where the particles are moving around because of the magnetic field and collision takes place between the particles. This all led to the generation of energy.
Palladium core:
In movies, the arc uses the element "Palladium" to make it a self-sustainable system. Its isotopes possess the nuclear property which helps the nuclear reaction to take place. Due to the palladium core present, it emits a white-blue light which also defines the presence of Cherenkov radiation.
Palladium not only helps in the nuclear reaction for the energy demand but also helps to keep the temperature lower. So, the heat generated due to the amount of energy does not affect the human body. This is all done by the cold nuclear fusion due to its ability to absorb Hydrogen, this also increases the efficiency.
Working operation:
The ionization of palladium takes place by using an electric arc which generates gamma radiation, it leads to the collision of particles which creates a potential difference and the electric current starts flowing.
So, this is how arc reactors work.
In all this amazing science theory, there is a very big question that lies and that is:
Why is an arc reactor not possible in real life? Here we are talking about the reactor identical to the one which shows on MCU. The reason behind this is, it doesn't follow the conservation of energy, which suggests the energy neither be created nor be destroyed, it only transfers from one form to another.
Hope you like this article, this may not contain everything about the arc reactor but we try to put all the useful and basic information of your interest. Share this with your friends and family and do follow us on social media platforms.