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What would happen if our blue planet stopped rotating?

Writer: Tripti AgrawalTripti Agrawal

We generally do not pay attention to those little activities that earth does for us. Those little activities are so crucial that if it stops to do, nothing could survive on this planet. One such thing is spinning. Earth is just spinning and spinning 24×7. And what if the earth stopped

spinning? Could we survive? What does it matter to us?

Earth's Rotation and Law of Inertia

Sir Issac Newton formulated three laws of motion. The first law states that every object moving at a constant speed will move with the same speed until and unless an external force is applied. This is called inertia.

The same things happen to our earth. As the earth rotates everything on the planet says from the ocean to the mountains rotates with the earth. If the earth gets suddenly stopped its effects will be seen into earth's objects too.

What if the earth stops suddenly?

Earth spins at around 1000 miles per hour and everything moves at the same speed. So if the earth stops the object which was moving will displace from its place with that speed. Everything will be uprooted and thrown far far away.

The ocean has inertia too, if the earth stops they would create giant waves which will be enough to submerge everything in the path. All the water near the equator would flow away towards the pole. They will be much more destructive than a Tsunami. The four major oceans will merge and form two super oceans.

If the earth comes to an abrupt halt the atmosphere will still be in motion. This would create catastrophic storms. They would be many times stronger than any storm you have encountered. But the strength of the wind will differ from place to place. Near the equator, the earth moves faster, here the wind speed will be 1670km/hr. Those winds would be enough to tear up Earth's crust. They would obliterate you.

It is so improbable that the Earth would stop spinning suddenly. However, the earth can gradually stop spinning and this would slow the rotational speed yet the catastrophic effects will not occur. If the speed becomes too low the long term would be deadly. But it would take millions of years to happen.

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