Many of us synonymize the word litter with plastic or paper. But is this so?
While we continue our battle on plastic and paper, reports said that cigarette butts are the most littered item. Around 4.5 trillion cigarette butts are littered every year worldwide.

Is this problematic?

The problem lies in smoking cigarettes because every year 4,80,000 individual loses their lives.
But if we ignore smoking as a personal choice, we can't ignore its impact on the environment.
Cigarette butts are made up of two layers. The outer layer is made of paper which usually takes less time to decompose
But the inner layer is made of cellulose acetate which usually takes 10-15 years to decompose and 98% of cigarette butts are made up of cellulose acetate.
Throwing them on the ground is a firmly entrenched habit for many smokers but they don't know cigarette butts have toxic chemicals too. When they get mixed with soil they release their chemical and reduce plant growth by 27%
Even in water bodies they just do not make water toxic but also make uneasier life for aquatic life.
What should we do?

1) After putting out a cigarette, pick up the butt and throw it into a dustbin.
2) 2) Try to influence yourself to give up on cigarettes if you are a regular user.
3) Many groups and NGOs are working and collecting cigarette butts to recycle them. Try to contact them and help them
If these cigarette butts get recycled, 26,000 tonnes of waste generated in India by cigarettes butt could be avoided.
4) If you smoke then take responsibility for your cigarette butt and if you don't smoke, send this article to your smoker friend so that they can learn some information.
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