Winter is on the verge of ending and soon it will be spring. Many of us prefer winters while others can't stand it. But, whether you like it or not, you have to wear woollen clothes to keep your body warm.
Do you ever wonder why is it that wool keeps us warm and not cotton? Keep reading, we've tried to explain the science behind the wool and how it keeps us warm.
The fibres of wool are where the answer to our question can be found. They are able to act accordingly to our body temperature. Tiny pockets in the fabric contain air that helps in heat circulation. Just like air, wool is a bad conductor of heat. So, once the heat is released from our bodies, both air and wool don't let it escape and keep us warm.

Wool is made up of Keratin, the protein found in hair too. It provides an extra barrier and along with the fibres of wool, helps in temperature regulation.
Why Do We Prefer Wool?
We don't use cotton because it has lesser pores and in turn, traps less heat. We don't use many synthetic fibres because of the fear of them catching fire.
Another important property that makes wool preferable over other fibres is that it keeps us warm even when it is damp/wet. Why so?
It is because wool has high absorbency. So, it holds moisture for longer compared to other fabrics before we feel wetness on our skin. Apart from that, wool absorbs moisture from our skin and prevents wet surfaces to rest on it. Even though woollen clothes take longer to dry, they keep us warmer longer than other fibres too.
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