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What are vaccines? How vaccine works? What are the different types of vaccine?

Writer: ShivankShivank

During this pandemic period you would have gotten very familiar with some of the basic terms like virus, infections, immunizations etc. In this blog we are going to discuss:

what are vaccines?

How do vaccines work ?

What are the different types of vaccines ?

Let's have a look.

What are vaccines ? How vaccine works ? Why vaccine are important ? Wovid vacchat are the different typr of vaccines? covid vaccine, coronavirus vaccine, polio vaccine, mumps vaccine.

When a person is exposed to a pathogen, their body starts making antibodies against that pathogen, same concept applied in case of vaccine. The basic difference is that in case of vaccinations, it contains only killed or weakened forms. Basically it boosts the body’s immunity against diseases. “The process of administering vaccines is called vaccination.”

Vaccinations have helped humanity from past times in preventing deadly infectious diseases like smallpox, polio & today it is also helping to fight ‘The Novel Coronavirus’.

So how does the vaccine work ?

When a person gets a vaccine, their immune system recognizes the pathogen as a foreign substance and starts preparing antibodies against it. The immune system also remembers the pathogen. So in case the body interacts with the pathogen again in the future it can attack it and prevent the pathogen from spreading. Vaccines work on this principle.

So there are lots of vaccine developed by scientists since many years, i.e.

vaccines for coronavirus like Covishield, Covaxin, Moderna, MMR combined vaccine(Measles, Mumps, Rubella), DPT etc.

So this is it, we have discussed what vaccines are, how they work and what are their different types.

Thanks for reading, make sure you follow us on our social media platforms!


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