The Big Bang Theory is the most accepted theory for the origin of the universe at present. Belgian astronomer, Georges Lemaitre, first suggested the theory in the 1920s. Later on, several scientists developed it into the version that we know today.
It describes how the universe expanded from an initially compressed state of high temperature and density and is constantly expanding. This point of high temperature and density is called singularity. According to the big bang theory, all the matter in the universe, present and past, came into existence at the same time, around 13.8 billion years ago. This is said to be the age of the universe.
The model is based on two assumptions, first one is Einstein's general theory of relativity and the second one is the cosmological principle. General relativity describes the gravitational interaction of all matter. While cosmological principle states that an observer's view of the universe is homogenous and isotropic when viewed on a large scale. It is the assumption that suggests that the universe has no edge and that the big-bang origin occurred throughout space at the same time rather than at a particular point.
Scientists propose that after the initial expansion (i.e. after a few seconds) the universe cooled sufficiently so that the subatomic particles, at first, and later atoms could form. These primordial elements then formed giant clouds that merged together to form stars and galaxies.

Planck epoch is the earliest stage of the Big Bang during which the four fundamental forces (weak and strong nuclear forces, the electromagnetic force and the gravitational force) were unified. Its duration is approximately 10^-43 seconds. Very little is known about the period before it.
Since it was first proposed, significant research has been conducted that has led to precise and accurate measurements of many parameters related to the Big Bang Theory. We will look into the details of the parameters of the Big Bang theory and its timeline next time.
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