In the new research published this year, the variations of insect olfactory system added to their evolved body have improved mosquito's repel method (from human skin).

Mosquito's bite creates an irritating swelling on the skin and is highly itching. But, globally, they help in spreading rampant like lethal diseases, for example, malaria, dengue fever, and infections.
When experiments don't get predicted results, meaning something new got discovered. Thus, they claim that mosquitoes are very tricky insects.
Researchers designed this project as the first step towards their findings of mosquitoes. They have found the same reactions as fruit flies. When the new odor sensors of flies got forced, they detected food even after applying repellants.
Various other researches showed different results, like, when mosquitoes' odor receptors got tested, they fly olfactory neurons, which got expressed abnormally. A new and different signal based on odor receptors is delivered directly to the brain. Therefore all the bugs straightaway move in a direction from an opposite odor.
Afterward, researchers tested this same procedure on female mosquitoes (Anopheles), whose sting transfers malaria-causing parasites in humans. The main idea was that if they could upgrade mosquito's odor neurons to a similar state, activated by artificial odorants applied on the skin. The mosquitoes would hence then avoid people's scent and fly off.